Fideus Rossejats Day

Fideus Rossejats Day

 Fideus Rossejats Day

The Fideus Rossejats day is one of the gastronomic references of L’Ametlla de Mar. This fiesta allows those who visit our village to get to know our gastronomic culture better. A plate of noodles at a good table brings about complicity and attractions which often arouses a deeper interest in our village by those who try it. This fisherman’s style noodle dish is habitually cooked on the boats and in the ‘calera’ houses and has been since unforgettable times, because of the towns close relation to the sea and fishing. The fish stock is the most important part of this dish which is complemented by a good plate of fish and potatoes, as is ‘arrossejat’, another typical fisherman’s dish. Around forty amateur chefs are responsible for showing the visitors the different ways of cooking fideus ‘rossejats’ at L’Ametlla de Mar’s port. Also, all morning, a team of chefs cook and serve taste size portions of the dish so no one leaves without having tried the fisherman’s dish. The aromas, flavours and colours make the Fideus Rossejats day a wonderful opportunity to live this Mediterranean holiday next to the sea and with the added attraction of trying and understanding one of the towns most culturally deep rooted dishes.


L'Ametlla de Mar